Monday, August 1, 2011

Negativity Is Becoming More Of A Problem

During the heated debate and rhetoric over the debt ceiling increase "negotiations," it was pretty clear that this was more than just political wrangling.  It was very evident that negativity and unbridled anger played a major role in the debate.  Why?

Opposing views and philosophies between political parties is nothing new; neither is the fact that sometimes, politicians get heated and are at drastic odds with each other.  This time though, something was different.  The whole nation seemed divided in three:  Republicans on one side, Democrats on the other and Tea Party members jumping in the middle.

Now that a debt ceiling increase deal seems at the ready, you'd think people would be relieved, but they're not.  There is so much negativity and so many naysayers, it's enough to drain the energy and inspiration out of anyone.  Some Democrats are furious with Republicans and their own party (and particularly with Barack Obama it seems), many Republicans are furious with John Bohner and many within Republican leadership.  The Tea Party, it seems, will never be happy.

Looking at some political discussion groups and news sites this morning, it was disappointing to see that added into the mix of unhappy, negative people, are political and "economic" pundits -- they out of all seem almost gleeful to spread more doom and gloom. 

What happened to trying to see the bright side?  Where is the positive thinking and hope?

Folks, no matter what, it's imperative that you don't let all this negativity get to you.  Yes, it seems to be everywhere you turn, but if you recognize it for what it really is, you may find you actually feel bad for all of these doom and gloomers...just maybe  ;)   Stay positive, stay focused and always strive to be motivated and inspired.  In other words... don't let them get you down! 

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