
So you say you want to change things?  To make them better?  The only way to do that and effect positive change, is to get involved.  Motivate yourself to take action.  Contact your Senator  Contact your Congressperson.  If you feel passionate enough about an issue, voice your opinion and let yourself be heard.

To find and contact your Senator

To find and contact your member of Congress

To stay current on political news, there are always the main, well-known sites.  But there are others too.  Read multiple sources, no matter how "unique" they may be.  You may find that some depress you... you're not alone.  Often, they are the sites that are filled with unsubstaniated news or as some might say, conspiracy theories.  Don't let the doom and gloom of some of these sites get to you -- consider the source.  Why do I even list them then?  Because believe it or not, you'll probably come to realize that things are not always as bad as they seem...or are made out to be.  Ask yourself why anyone would spread un-truths or half-truths and what their ulterior motive may be.

Here are some, in no particular order, to get you started:

ABC News                                               Global Voices
CNN                                                       MSNBC
Christian Science Monitor                           Drudge Report
Congressional Quarterly                             Politico
Democracy Now!                                      NPR
Fox News                                                Salon
Center for Public Integrity                          Breitbart