Monday, May 2, 2011

And so it begins...

Its not even 24 hours since they announced that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and the conspiracy theories have begun.

On one particular site I visit, one British gentleman wrote: "you're all sheep! Bin Laden was killed ages ago and not by Americans! You wont see his body but only photos. It certainly wasn't Americans that killed him. God you people are so dumb. you will literally swallow anything your government and press say wont you."  That's just one example. Though I have to say, I read many postings on blogs and similar sites and the British seemed to be the ones with the most conspiracy theories -- that quote above is mild compared to many I read by our "cousins across the pond." Why all the vitriol guys?

Conspiracy theories abound these days. Is it a sign of the times? if it is, its not a good one. People who doubt everything often go too far. They question without thought or regard for evidence. For many of these doubters, their lives are not complete without believing the deepest, darkest motives and actions. How sad.

We really did land on the Moon folks and Elvis really is dead -- he's not hiding out in Roswell. Now don't get me wrong... I think its great that people question things. But, within reason. The most ardent conspiracy theorists are quick to spread their theories (paranoia) and anyone who disagrees with them is usually shot down as being "sheep" or "friggin stupid" or some such insult.

I think many of these people are depressed. Sorry... hope that doesn't offend. But spend a few minutes thinking about their profiles: they're usually loners, generally complain a great deal, usually believe themselves to be brilliant and everyone who disagrees with them to be morons...and, they usually get very agitated quickly.

Hmmm. Makes me sad to be honest, because I fear their lives are lacking any sense of hope, inspiration and motivation.

Part of my mission is to try and neutralize their negativity. Why? Because a few years ago, I noticed it was really getting to me. I would lay awake in bed thinking about our exchange online and then have this unhealthy need to get back online and fine everything and anything that would prove me right and them wrong. Wow... too much. I had to stop. So, I decided not to let them get to me and I decided to try and show people that no matter how adamant and vocal they were about their conspiracies...that it did not make them right! So far, so good.

Do you have people like this in your lives? What do you do about it?

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