Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Really Up to You

Was there ever at time when becoming inspired or getting motivated was actually easy to do? Probably not. One common thread you hear today though is that it seems to have become exceedingly difficult to remain inspired, motivated and upbeat. Older generations say so anyway… and they are probably right.

There are perhaps countless ways to become inspired and motivated and what works for some is not going to work for others. We’re all unique. There are some basic ways though and the one constant is that they all require some work and effort by the individual. Being inspired and motivated is not magic, so don’t count on it being an instant, singular event.

Inspiration and motivation are vital aspects of living a more fulfilled and complete life and you have to want it for yourself. No one is going to come up to you and say “here, take this…it will make you fully inspired and motivated. It all starts with you and the choices you make.

First steps:

· Be receptive to new ideas. Have an open and free mind

· Be willing to let go of negativity. So someone insulted you – it’s not the end of the world. Let it go. Or, if there is someone in your life who continually brings you down and suppresses your motivation, change that.

· Have a loving heart

· Think good thoughts. Be positive. It’s not always easy to see the brighter side of things in every circumstance, but at least try. That’s a big first step.

· Make a list: sounds boring, right? It is. But it’s also imperative. Sometimes the simple act of writing things down (a list if you will), helps us to center ourselves…to help us get perspective. Write down on that paper everything that makes you happy and everything that makes you sad. Keep in mind, “things” may not be a true source of happiness, inspiration or motivation. Someone may write “I love to buy new shoes” or “I like buying season tickets to the ball game.” Fine…but do those things complete you as a person? Are they things that make your truly happy long-term? Don’t substitute possessions for your true passions. I know someone who after making their list, crossed out all but one… writing. She realized that writing was her passion. The next day she started a blog and hasn’t stopped since… she loves it and it shows!

But most of all… make the decision to inspire and motivate yourself… that is the first big step

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