Thursday, January 20, 2011

Is That You, Lord?

Is That You, Lord?

by Doug Hill
Courtesy of Guideposts

It's one thing to say that God will answer our prayers for guidance. But how, exactly should we ask?

There is no single answer to this question, of course. Our conversations with God are as varied as our personalities, our circumstances and our questions. Still, some practical guidelines for seeking God's will on a daily basis might help.

Guideposts contributor, Pam Kidd suggests the direct approach. She sets aside some time each morning for prayer. She begins by centering herself on God, thanking Him for the miracles of His creation—"the way He grows trees and fluffs clouds and paints the sky." Then she tells God how much she wants to surrender her will to His, and she states her desire to turn over all her problems to Him. Then she listens.

"Is there anything You want to tell me, God?" she asks.

In the silence, Kidd says, her mind clears. She feels the breeze ruffle her hair; a sense of well-being comes in.

Next she asks specifically for direction. "Is there anything I can do for You today, Father?"

A list forms in her mind: people to check in on, notes to write, someone who needs encouragement. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

That's Kidd's recipe. Nothing dramatic. Just a consistent conscious opening of herself in prayer to God's direction.

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