Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The sky is falling!

Henny Penny ran around proclaiming that the sky was falling.  It wasn't.  I've had so many people tell me that they are fed up with all the doom and gloom.  One only need turn on the TV or check out a newspaper or news website to see that the media is determined to bring us down.  Is there bad news in the world?  Of course.  But is there good news too?  Yes!  So then why is that every supposed expert, from political pundits to self-proclaimed economists, are so eager to spread doom and gloom?

They're not reporting facts most of the time...they're merely presenting their own views as fact.  They're trying to make the news and not report it.  A situation in the EU can't be just a rough time...it has to be the end of the world. "The recovery is over!" they proclaim.  "Get ready for an even worse recession," they gleefully shout.  Why?

How can we go about our daily lives, getting through our own stresses, when we have the media bombarding us with hysterical rhetoric and doom and gloom?

How do you stay inspired?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so tired of all the negativity too. I read your post last night and watched Tv to see if it was true and it is! CNBC was all gloomy, then I watched part of this reality show about housewives and got really depressed. They weren't all gloomy but it made me bummed about the state of our culture. Its totally true though that everyone seems to want to spread bad news. Something has to change.
