Thursday, August 11, 2011

In These Turbulent Times

Yesterday I was thinking just how hard it is for me to remain focused, upbeat and inspired... at times.  I thought about all of the news headlines I had read that day and about all the terrible news stories I saw on TV and I thought "wow, man, the world is in chaos."  And I guess to some degree, it is.

Lately...and by lately, I mean over the last 10 years or so, we've been inundated with negativity.  No sooner does news break about a new plan to help the poor, or a new plan to reduce the deficit and right there in the reader comment section, you see people posting things like "this will never work" or "yet another plan that will fail."  Well, yeah, with attitudes like that, how can anything succeed?

I think there is a new epidemic sweeping the planet and it's name is negativity.  Negativity is an insidious "disease" and I've found that once someone lets it get hold of them, it grows and takes over the whole body -- before the person realizes it, their whole outlook is dark and foreboding.  And... people pick up on that.

I've quoted Dr. Norman Vincent Peale many times and there's a reason why -- he was right!  Positive thinking cannot solve all the ills of the world, but it's a start.  Accomplishing something usually means having a passion and a drive -- usually, it means you are focused on something and, dare I say are inspired!

So no matter how hard it is, I believe the key to success in life is to try and see the positive through all the negative and to try to be as motivated, upbeat and inspired as you possibly can.  Give it a try. 

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