Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do you love animals more than people?

A good friend asked me this question recently. I have to admit, I had to think about it. Do I love animals more than people? No. Do I love both equally? Yes. Now you're either going to be one of those people who is aghast at that, or you're going to be someone who agrees totally.

I've always loved animals, but two pet cats that I've been blessed to have counted among my pets really turned me into a total animal lover. Now I see animals with a whole new perspective. I see them as being truly innocent. What?! Yes, truly innocent. See, a Tiger has a reputation as being ferocious. I suppose they are. But are they evil?

Are they cold-blooded killers? No and no. They need to eat....just like we do. They act out of fear or pure instinct....just like many humans do. A Tiger doesn't go around robbing people or plotting to kill a human being. They're instincts are hard-wired, just like in humans. So where as we may hunt a helpless Deer with a gun...hardly fair.... but a Tiger hunts to eat too. The Tiger just happens to have incredible strength and agility and ...well... huge fangs and sharp claws!

This is a controversial subject to many, so I'll leave it at the fact that I just happen to really love animals.

Animals as a source of inspiration?
Can animals inspire us? Can they make us feel better and make us feel happy and motivated? Yes! No doubt about it. Its a clinical fact that when Dogs or Cats are brought into a Retirement Home, the residents perk up and they demonstrate a mental and sometimes physical improvement. Anyone who has ever spent time petting a Dog or Cat knows this to be true.

I believe that love on animals and wildlife in general is a source of great inspiration. People who respect the natural world tend to feel more grounded. Why? Because they have a purpose and because they often can see the results of their work. Ever rescue an animal? Then you know what I mean. If you've ever participated in a group that plants trees, flowers, etc., knows what I mean.

So if you love animals, capitalize on that! Do something to help them. Donate money if you can or time if you can. Visit rescue shelters and spend some time with the animals housed there. Seek out a charitable organization that helps animals and see what you can do. Before you know it, you will feel more alive...more inspired and you'll have something to focus on -- that alone is a source of motivation and once it takes root, you'll find yourself really energized. Try it!

1 comment:

  1. I never realized how much I loved animals until someone gave me a kitten. Wow, it totally turned me into a lover of all animals. They totally inspire me. They're cute, sure but really I feel much more energetic and like you said motivated because they're my passion now.
